Monday, May 18, 2020

The Walking Tour And Information Session - 1926 Words

The walking tour and information session validated my feelings that I am now in control of my life -- I’m making my own decisions -- I am progressing. For many years of my life, I felt that I wasn t moving in a positive direction, I was constantly battling life, fighting to finish the day on a positive note. I was trying my best but couldn’t overcome the daily struggles. In school, I was always told that I should be doing better and that all I needed to do was apply myself, try harder. It is difficult to explain the feeling of â€Å"want† without the ability to â€Å"do†. I knew that there was something more than just my inability to complete homework on time or study sufficiently for a test. I had numerous meetings with teachers, advisors, and administration, leaving frustrated as they each fruitless. Each meeting, I left feeling more discouraged, with thoughts of weakness and failure. In light of my struggles, I decided to seek counseling. I met with a doctor but, it was just as difficult for him to understand my issues as it was for me. In my final year as a high school student, I had two different doctors who had come to the conclusion that I had Bipolar Disorder. Once I had been diagnosed, labeled, I never once thought of it as a negative nor did I feel it to be an excuse for my shortcomings in high school. Knowing what was holding me back, allowed me the opportunity to research the disorder, learn all about it and personally use that research to help me grow. IShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Jet Lag, Artificial Air During Pressurized Aircraft Cabins And Sky Fatigue Essay1598 Words   |  7 Pagesexercise that will condition your heart, make your reflexes and joints more fluid, keep the sugar levels or keep you from swinging from one mood to another! Nor is it the kind of exercise that will make you euphoric after a good cardiovascular session. 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