Saturday, May 23, 2020

Comparing Baron D Holbach s View On Determinism

People believe that genuine freedom of choice is not always possible because our decisions and actions are determined by factors beyond our control. This view is known as Determinism. There is also an extreme form of determinism known as ‘hard determinism,’ in which they believe that every demeanor can be traced to a cause, although they may disagree about what those causes are. The idea of determinism poses a difficult issue to the concept of ‘free will’. Are we able to make free choices if all our thoughts and actions are predetermined by our own past and the physical laws of nature? Majority of us would like to believe that we have the freedom of will and are able to make decisions based on our own discretion but, I personally believe that the deterministic view holds true to a certain extent and that most of our actions are a result of a force that is beyond our comprehension. My purpose in this essay is to explain and critically analyze Baron d’H olbach’s view on determinism. The deterministic view has its strengths and weaknesses and some of the popular explanations of human behavior that exemplify the determinist view are human nature, the environment, psychological forces and social dynamics. The human nature is based on the view that our actions are a direct consequence from our inborn nature and whether we do good or evil in life is beyond our control and we cannot alter our fundamental character. The environment explains that behaviors are direct products of the

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