Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Cinema Versus the Home Theater - 1006 Words

It seems that watching movies has become the most frequently mentioned pastime that is enjoyed by people from around the world. This is no surprise either, because everyone undeniably enjoys an experience when they can escape the daily reality for a little while, and fantasize about anything they wish or at least about what the movie being watched is offering. To live out these fantasies, two contrasting options are available; a trip to the cinema or staying at home. After a movie theater with its play-list is found, a movie is picked, and the trip is made, customers are faced with the almost certain minimum cost of $8.50 per person to get in. That means a family of four, would have to pay over $35 just for movie tickets. Once inside, if†¦show more content†¦Long available IMAX and now 3-D movies, offer an ever immersing movie picture with extra details, and will soon be the norm. In a recent Time interview James Cameron, an internationally acclaimed director with recent blo ckbusters such as Titanic and Avatar, stated that, Certainly every film Im planning to do will be in 3-D. This statement appears to be the common dogma of everyone in Hollywood and Silicon Valley. However, despite all these great features, sometimes the theater-movie is diminished or even ruined by distractions. There could a person who enjoys commenting on events occurring in the film, a baby could start crying, or a group of teenagers who will not stay still, might continue to bump the back of the chair or play on their cell-phones. Alternatively, a film is released for rent or purchase after a short period; usually no more than a month and sometimes even two weeks, depending on the generously supplied critique of the audience who went to the cinema. Provided on DVD, Blue-Ray, or digital format, a film can be rented for around $5 or even purchased for about $20. With an average $15 per month membership, even a cheaper and more convenient option, are online companies like Netflix. They provide unlimited rentals on all formats, and free options of regular mail delivery or digital download. If aShow MoreRelatedMovie Exhibition 2013 Avengers6511 Words   |  27 Pagesin America, the industry sold four billion tickets, and the typical American went to 28 ï ¬ lms per year at the theater. - Movies are more widely available than ever, creating new substitutes for where, when, and how to view movies. Exhibitors are especially anxious for moviegoers to return to the theater because the industry has invested an estimated $1.6 billion to convert theaters from film to digital projection since 2005 (see Exhibit 4). 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