Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Negative Effects Of Isolation In Society - 1280 Words

The way an individual acts or behaves produces an outcome. This is a universal aspect that can cause positive or negative effects. In the stories of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, The Stranger by Albert Camus, and Lord of The Flies by William Golding, there is an immense presence of disorder existing in the societies of the following stories. This is exemplified by specific main characters and their isolation from the society, which creates harmful results. Additionally, the fatal flaw of the major characters plays a key role because it leads to their impactful downfall. Lastly, the poor treatment of women displays an unjust society. Ultimately, mayhem is caused by specific behaviours and characteristics that result in the damaging of†¦show more content†¦Meursault’s isolation is truly depicted when the people of his community claim that his murder is a result of his detachment from society. During his interrogation, the detective starts â€Å"out by saying that peop le were describing him as a taciturn and withdrawn person†(2.1.8) in relation with when he asks the people if Meursault would be the type of person to commit murder. This displays how isolation has taken control over his life to the extent where society bases his horrendous crime off of his serious detachment from society. According to psychologist DeWall, â€Å"exclusion causes emotional insensitivity†(DeWall 2006). This relates to Meursault because his longing independence from society could be the cause for his apathetic actions towards other people which heavily affects society. In the book Lord of The Flies, a crowd of young boys are left on an island due to their plane crashing. This separates them from society and challenges them to make decisions and fight for survival. This creates mayhem because they are still really young to make judgements in terms with other people’s lives. Isolation affects the boys mentally which causes them to act irrationally. Th is is seen when they chant â€Å"Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!†(Golding 104). This is important because it shows how isolationShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Isolation In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka896 Words   |  4 Pageseveryone needs time to themselves to just relax. However, being alone for too long is not always the best thing. Isolation is one of the worst things a person can experience. In The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, the theme that isolation has negative effects on people can be shown through symbols, setting, and character development. One way Kafka shows the negative effects of isolation is by using multiple symbols throughout The Metamorphosis. 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