Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Negative Effects Of Isolation In Society - 1280 Words

The way an individual acts or behaves produces an outcome. This is a universal aspect that can cause positive or negative effects. In the stories of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, The Stranger by Albert Camus, and Lord of The Flies by William Golding, there is an immense presence of disorder existing in the societies of the following stories. This is exemplified by specific main characters and their isolation from the society, which creates harmful results. Additionally, the fatal flaw of the major characters plays a key role because it leads to their impactful downfall. Lastly, the poor treatment of women displays an unjust society. Ultimately, mayhem is caused by specific behaviours and characteristics that result in the damaging of†¦show more content†¦Meursault’s isolation is truly depicted when the people of his community claim that his murder is a result of his detachment from society. During his interrogation, the detective starts â€Å"out by saying that peop le were describing him as a taciturn and withdrawn person†(2.1.8) in relation with when he asks the people if Meursault would be the type of person to commit murder. This displays how isolation has taken control over his life to the extent where society bases his horrendous crime off of his serious detachment from society. According to psychologist DeWall, â€Å"exclusion causes emotional insensitivity†(DeWall 2006). This relates to Meursault because his longing independence from society could be the cause for his apathetic actions towards other people which heavily affects society. In the book Lord of The Flies, a crowd of young boys are left on an island due to their plane crashing. This separates them from society and challenges them to make decisions and fight for survival. This creates mayhem because they are still really young to make judgements in terms with other people’s lives. Isolation affects the boys mentally which causes them to act irrationally. Th is is seen when they chant â€Å"Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!†(Golding 104). This is important because it shows how isolationShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Isolation In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka896 Words   |  4 Pageseveryone needs time to themselves to just relax. However, being alone for too long is not always the best thing. Isolation is one of the worst things a person can experience. In The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, the theme that isolation has negative effects on people can be shown through symbols, setting, and character development. One way Kafka shows the negative effects of isolation is by using multiple symbols throughout The Metamorphosis. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Managerial Analysis on Cute Cosmetics Ltd Free Essays

string(156) " may for the time being be provided by the Articles of the company and consolidate, sub-divide the shares and issue shares of higher or lower denomination\." 1. Acknowledgement Apart from the efforts of us, the success of any project depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have been helpful to give us valuable information regarding this project so that it can be successful. We will write a custom essay sample on Managerial Analysis on Cute Cosmetics Ltd or any similar topic only for you Order Now We would like to show our greatest appreciation to honorable faculty Noor-E-Hasnin (NEH) Lecturer, North south University. We felt motivated and encouraged every time we attend her classes and effective class lectures. Without her encouragement and guidance this project would not have materialized. The guidance and support received from all our group members who contributed were vital for the success of the project. We are grateful to each other for the constant support and help 2. Introduction: We selected Cute Cosmetics for our project which is a private limited company and is a local company. Cute Cosmetics is a brand of Mousumi Industries that manufactures cosmetics and toiletries and was incorporated in 1971. Since then Cute has been manufacturing cosmetics and providing service to the people of Bangladesh. It has become a very well reputed and now has captured a huge market not only in Bangladesh but also outside the country. But cute is not manufacturing consumer products alone in the industry. It has many competitors in the market who are fighting to become the market leader and to grasp the majority of the market share. The key competitors are Kohinoor, Marico and Lever Brothers. Even though the company was established long ago but it is facing tremendous competition and some of the competitors have already beat them in some of the consumer products. The company has many product lines that manufacture different types of products and are providing service not only nationwide but also to the foreign countries as it has been exporting some of the products outside the country. Cute has its own brand image in the market and is one of the pioneers in the industry. Cute Cosmetics has its own strength and weakness as well as external opportunity and threats because of the market influence. We also have discussed the requirements for having a private limited company and the advantages and the disadvantages of the formation of the company which are compared with those iscussed in the book. The report shows an overall view of the company’s position in the market as well as the loopholes that it has in itself. 3. Literature Review: a) Company Information: Mousumi Industries Ltd. was founded in 1971. From 1974, still then a proprietorship industry, the operation of the business was intensified and in 1984 Mousumi’s factory build ing was constructed at Cutepalli, Kanchpur, Sonargong, Narayangonj with sophisticated modern machinery. The cosmetics ; toiletries of the company are manufactured under two brands, namely â€Å"Cute† ; â€Å"Laboni†. Soon after Cute ; Laboni cosmetics were marketed, the brand became very popular in the whole country; it was the market leader. Mousumi Industries Ltd. was formed into a private limited company in 1982. Since then Mousumi has come a long way and its famous cosmetic brand, Cute, has earned the highest consumer satisfaction. In 1990, the company ventured into exporting. The first export was to Oman. This was a great milestone for Mousumi Industries Ltd. as well as for Bangladesh. This meant that even Bangladesh was producing quality cosmetics to attract foreign market. This has been possible because Mousumi has installed very modern machinery and ensured highest quality products with technical co-operation of the qualified chemists of the company and experts of the renowned foreign cosmetics products developers. Mousumi now exports to India, Oman, UAE and many other foreign Countries. b) Mission and vision statement: Mission- We will always try to explore beyond the boundaries of possibilities. Consumer needs alone will be our guiding philosophy in manufacturing and marketing of products that beautify people and satisfy their souls. Vision- We have a vision to attain our mission of assuming the above duty and responsibility. We envisage a more beautiful tomorrow for the country, for the region and for the whole world. c) Organizational Hierarchy: HR/Admin * Recruitment * Policy Implementation * Attendance * Upkeepment * Logistics * Legal * Commercial Operation Purchase/Procurement * Quotation approval * Price/Term Analysis * Co-Ordination Inventory ; Production * Purchase Chairman ; Managing Director Director Director Organizational Hierarchy (Functional) Sales * Placement * Revenue Marketing * Packaging * Branding * Promotion * Networking * Market Survey Inventory Control * Dispatch * Logistic Arrangement * MIS * Delivery Cost analysis Production * Co-ordination with Inventory Purchase * Quality control * Order execution * New Product Development (R;D) Accounts * General Accounts * Costing(Purchase; Production) * Profitability Variance * Preparation of MIS 4. How the business was formed: a) Agreement- FORMATION I. The name of the Company is Cute Cosmetics Limited. II. People incorporated the company are- Chairman, Kazi Mahtab Uddin Ahmed and Founder Managing Director Late Kazi Ashraf Uddin Ahmed, Directors Kazi Moin Uddin Ahmed and Kazi Rajib Uddin Ahmed. III. The Registered Office of the Company will be in Dhaka, Mousumi Industries Limited 151, Bangshal Road, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh Phone: 7319608, 7311238, 7318996 Fax: 880-2-7318458 IV. The objectives for which the company is established are all or any of the following provided that permission/approval/license from the Government or its appropriate agency and the concerned local government authority shall be obtained wherever it is so required by law, rules or regulations: V. The liability of the members is limited. VI. Life time is perpetual. V. The authorized share capital of the company is Tk. 0,00,00,000 (Taka Ten Crores) divided into Ordinary and preferential shares. There shall be a total of 10,000 (Ten thousand ) shares each of Taka 10,000 (Taka Ten thousand only) with the power to increase or reduce the capital, to divide the shares in capital for the time being into several classes and to attach hereto respectively such preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights, privileges or conditions as may be determined by or in accordance ith the regulations of the company and to vary, modify or abrogate any such rights, privileges or conditions in such manne r as may for the time being be provided by the Articles of the company and consolidate, sub-divide the shares and issue shares of higher or lower denomination. You read "Managerial Analysis on Cute Cosmetics Ltd" in category "Papers" ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF CUTE COSMETICS LIMITED The Company is a Private Limited Company within the meaning of section 2(1) under clause (Q) of the companies Act,1994 and accordingly the following shall apply:- a. No invitation shall be issued to the public to subscribe for any share, debenture of the company; b. The number of members of the Company (exclusive of the persons in the employment of the company) shall be limited to fifty; and c. The right to transfer shares of the company is restricted in the manner and to the extent hereinafter provided. SHARE CAPITAL The Authorized Share Capital of the Company is Tk. 10,00,00,000 /- (Ten Crore) divided into 10,00,000 (Ten Lac) Ordinary Shares of Tk. 100/- each with power to increase or reduce the same value of its shares. Subject to the provisions of the Articles, the share shall be under the control of the directors who may allot or otherwise dispose of the same. COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS The business of the Company shall be commenced from the date of incorporation of the company. TRANSFER AND TRANSMISSION OF SHARES No transfer of any share shall be made or registered without the approval of the Board of Directors. No share shall be transferred to any outsiders as long as any existing member is willing to purchase the same at a fair value to be determined by the Directors in a Board Meeting. In the case of death of a member, the survivor where the deceased was a joint holder, and the legal personal representative of the deceased where he was a sole holder, shall be the only persons recognized by the company as having any title to his interest in the shares. GENERAL MEETING The general meeting of the company shall be held within eighteen months from the date of incorporation of the company and thereafter once in every calendar year (not being more than fifteen months after holding of the last preceding general meeting) at such time and place as may be decided by the Directors of the company. APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL OF A DIRECTOR The company may appoint or remove a Director from the company in its Annual General Meeting. VOTE OF MEMBERS No member shall be entitled to vote unless all installments or calls or other sum or sums presently payable by him, in respect of his holding of shares in the company has been paid. DIRECTORS Until otherwise determined in the general meeting the number of Directors of the company shall not be less than TWO and not more than TEN. POWER OF DIRECTORS Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by the last preceding Article and the other powers conferred by these presents, it is hereby expressly declared that the Directors shall have the following powers- 1. To pay the costs, charges and expenses preliminary and incidental to the promotion, formation, establishment and registration of the Company. 2. To purchase or otherwise acquire for the Company any property, rights or privileges that the Company is authorized to acquire at such price and generally on such terms and conditions, as they think fit. 3. To pay for any property, rights, and privileges acquired by the company in cash or in shares of the Company and any such shares may be issued either as fully paid up or with such amount credited as paid up thereon as may be agreed upon. 4. To secure the fulfillment of any contract or engagements entered into by the Company by mortgage or charge on all or any of the property of the Company and its unpaid capital for the time being or in such other manner as they may think fit. 5. To accept from any member, on such terms and conditions as shall be agreed but subject to the provisions of the act, as surrender of his share or any part thereof. . To deal with any of the moneys of the Company not immediately required for the company’s purpose in or upon such investments or securities (not being shares in this company) and in such manner as they may think fit, and from time to time to vary or realize such investments. They can also provide the employees with rewards and benefits as w ell as they can contribute establishment of schools, recreation centers and hospitals which will, the opinion of the Directors, tend to increase the reputation of the company among its employees and the public. WINDING UP If the company shall be wound up, the surplus assets shall (subject to any rights attached to special class of shares forming part of the share capital for the time being of the company) be applied first in the payment of the capital paid up on the ordinary shares and the excess (if any) shall be distributed among the members holding ordinary share in proportion of the member of ordinary shares held by them respectively at the commencement of the winding up. Almost all the required information of the company, according to the book that we have studied, are provided in the Article of Association of Cute Cosmetics but it fails to address certain issues that are required in the Article of Association of the company. The information that are not provided in the Articles of Association of Cute Cosmetics are- – The address of the persons responsible for the corporation’s legal service – The addresses of the first directors of the company – No other public information is provided in the article of association. It lacks the details of the duties and responsibilities of the officers and the length of their service. – There is no information regarding the issuance of the company’s stocks. – It lacks the matters regarding employment contracts. b) Advantages and disadvantages of the business: Advantages- * Seasonal Demand- Cute has more sales during winter due to high demand of moisturizers caused by the dry weather. * Environment – environment needed to produce cosmetic products is very favorable in Bangladesh as we hardly ever face extreme weather conditions. Demand – Though the upper class society stick to foreign cosmetic products still the demand for our products is constant as Cutes’ product is popular among rest of the societies and also the rural areas, giving the company a wide market. * Labor – Cheap labor is abundant in supply in our country giving Cute the advantage to lower its cost of production thus keeping the price of its product low compared to other company’s products. * Limited liability- Owners of the business are responsible for the losses only up to the amount they have invested in it. Perpetual life- Death of one or more owners does not terminate the corporation The advantages of a corporation, according to the book that we have studied, are described above but it does not address some of the advantages mentioned in the book. The advantages those are not included in Cute Cosmetics are- Ability to raise more money for investment- Cute Cosmetics is not enlisted in the Stock Exchange as it is a private limited company that is why it cannot raise more capital. Size- Size of the company does not play any role as they can’t raise more capital and they also lack resources that could rovide them competitive advantage over their competitors. Ease of ownership change- They lack the flexibility of transfer of shares as it is a complex process. Ease of attracting talented employees- they do not offer any stock options to their employees and this is why they cannot attract many talented employees. Separation of ownership from management- As the company is a private limited company their management is not separated from the ownership so both the management and owners get to interfere in the decision making process. Disadvantages- Raw Materials- As quality raw materials are not available in our country Cut e is highly dependent on import * Double Taxation-Along with the corporation taxes, which are already very high, Cute also has to pay the taxes on imports. * Foreign Company Dumping- The dumping of foreign companies heavily affects the sales of Cutes’ products and is a threat in the long run. * Dissatisfied Labor-All throughout the production process, the labors are given the least priority resulting in dissatisfaction among them. * Utility Crisis- There is always an acute crisis of utility. For electricity, to meet the demands, now the company is dependent on private electricity suppliers for which Cute has to pay four folds than regular price. * Political Issues- Due to the continuous political unrest, production processes slow down which affect the company very dearly. * Initial cost- To start up a new corporation it costs a lot as an initial investment. The disadvantages of a corporation, according to the book that we have studied, are described above but it does not address some of the disadvantages mentioned in the book. The disadvantages those are not included in Cute Cosmetics are- Size- In this case size does not count as a disadvantage as they can adapt to any changes occurred in the market. Difficulty of termination- There is difficulty of termination but aspects regarding these difficulties are not addressed properly. Possible conflict with stockholders and board of directors- The ownership of the company is limited amongst the directors and management so it is least likely that any conflict shall arise. 5. Products of Cute Cosmetics: Shaving Gear: Baby Care Products: Cute After Shave Skin Conditioner Cute Baby Lotion Cute After Shaving Lotion Cute Baby Oil Cute Shaving Brush Cute Baby Shampoo Cute Shaving Cream Cute Baby Powder Cute Solzar Cute Baby Moisturizing Pure Cream Soap Winter Products: Hair Care Products: Cute Cold Cream Cute Amla Hair Oil Cute 27 Cream Cute Coconut Hair Oil Cute Krack Cream Cute Shampoo Cute Glycerin Cute Anti Dandruff Shampoo Cute Pure Petroleum Jelly Herbal Hair Tonic International Vanishing Cream Cute International Cold Cream Cute Petroleum Jelly Cute Lip gel Cute Pomade Skin Care: Oral Care Products: Cute Cleansing Milk Cute Smokers Tooth Paste Cute Sun Shade Cute Gel Tooth Paste Cute Beauty Milk Cute Fluoride Tooth Paste Fragrances: Body Talc: Cute First Lady Cute French Perfumed Talc Cute Brutal (for men) Cute International Talc Cute Classic Cute 27 Cute Romance Cute Baby Powder Cute Fantasy Cute Romance Talcum Powder Cute Chandan Attar Cute Flower Talc Cute Basra-e-Golap Attar Laboni Powder Cute Attar Cute France prickly hit Powder 6. Industry Analysis: a) Major Competitors: The key competitors of Cute Cosmetics are Marico, Kohinoor and Lever Brothers Bangladesh. A brief discussion on them is given below- Kohinoor: Kohinoor Chemical Company Limited Bangladesh (KCCL) was established in 1956. It is a public limited company listed with both the bourses of Bangladesh, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). Most of the products of KCCL are known by legendary brand name Tibet. The other brands that KCCL has are Sandalina, Genstar, Bactrol, Ice-Cool, Fair Care, Xpert, Heel Guard, and Clean Master which are equally famous in Bangladesh. To strengthen the marketing of KCCL, their management has rearranged the distribution system and revamped the Research and Development department of KCCL that will deliver quality product in Bangladesh also regional and overseas countries. KCCL has not only emerged into a potent industrial entity but also represents the brand of mass people. Marico- Marico Bangladesh Limited (MBL) was incorporated in September 6, in 1999. The company is listed in both the stock exchange of Bangladesh, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). Their factory is situated in Mouchak, Kaliakoir, Gazipur. Their key products are Parachute, Saffola, Hair Code Hair Dye, Kaya Skin Clinic, New Aromatic Gold, Camelia Beauty Soap. MBL’s Products in Pure Coconut oil, Edible Oil, Hair care and Skin Care reach out to more than 500,000 outlets in Bangladesh. MBL touches the lives of 1 out of every 3 Bangladeshi through its portfolio of brands such as Parachute, Saffola, Hair Code, Aromatic, Camelia and Beliphool to name a few, most of which enjoy leadership positions (No. 1 in coconut oil segment), with significant market shares in respective categories. They believe in transforming the lives of our stakeholders be it our consumers, members, associates or shareholders, by helping them maximize their true potential. This truly articulates the Mariconian spirit to ‘be more. every day’. Lever Brothers Bangladesh- Unilever started its onshore operations in Bangladesh in 1964 when its soap factory was set up at Chittagong. Unilever Bangladesh is market leader in 7 of the 8 categories it operates in, with 16 brands spanning across Home and Personal Care and Foods. Their operation provides employment to over 10,000 people directly and indirectly through its dedicated suppliers, distributors and service providers. 99. 8% of Unilever Bangladesh employees are locals and they also have a large number of Company employees working abroad in other Unilever companies as expatriates. The renowned products of Lever Brothers Bangladesh are- Pepsodent, Knorr, Wheel, Power White, Vaseline, Lux, Pureit, Fair Lovely, Close up , Dove, Surf Excel, Sunsilk, Pond’s, Vim, Rexona, Lifebuoy, Taaza, Clear etc. Lever Brothers is also very well reputed brand name in our country and they have a mass coverage among the people with their products. b) SWOT analysis: Strength and weakness are internal factors caused by the company itself whereas the opportunity and threats are external factors caused by the market and competitors. Strength- * They have very modern machinery and ensured highest quality products with technical co-operation of the qualified chemists of the company and experts of the renowned foreign cosmetics products developers. * It has become a well known brand for the people of our country. * It mainly focuses on the lower income level people who can afford to buy the products and majority of the people of Bangladesh are lower income level people. It can afford cheap labor and can manufacture products at a very low cost. Weakness- * For raw materials they are dependent on the USA and European countries * As they have to import raw materials they have pay huge amount of tax on th e imported goods therein increasing the overall tax liability of the company. * Impact of labor unions and strikes called by labors. Opportunity- * As it is a well known brand and has a market demand it can introduce new product lines and the people will embrace them. * They also export their products and are renowned internationally so they can introduce new products in foreign countries and the people will also embrace their products. If they can get more advanced machineries, they will be able to manufacture variety of products and gain a competitive advantage. Threats- * They have many competitors who have also become well reputed and have captured a great market share. * The similar products that are being produced by the competitors make consumers compare among available alternatives and they tend to choose the one with lower price. * If any new entrants come into the market with more advanced technology then they will get a competitive advantage over Cute Cosmetics. * The pol itical unrest all over the country is a great threat for the company. * A great threat for Cute Cosmetics is dumping of the goods by the foreign companies to grasp the local market. 7. Conclusion: Cute Cosmetics has been established for a very long time, in fact the idea of manufacturing cosmetic locally was introduced by them. By providing a wide array of products to the mass people they have become one of the pioneers of their line of service. The competitors now have gained a great market share by their different types of product and services and Cute is facing a huge competition against them. Even though Cute has many advantages such as being one of the oldest companies being formed still they have to face uncertainties in case of being the market leader. Even though the disadvantages are negligible still they have certain impacts on the overall performance of the company. The information that we have collected about Cute Cosmetics has lacking regarding the promotional campaign and activities which hinder their growth. Also the threats that we have detected can have a negative impact over the company. We suggest that Cute should now focus more on the promotional activities so that they can grasp majority of the market. They should ensure more resources as well as more technologically sound machineries that will help them build competitive advantage. Despite the drawbacks they have maintained their reputation and standards and survived for a very long time in the ever changing market which is quite impressive. However to become the market leader they need to bring in some changes which will ensure their leadership in the market for long run. How to cite Managerial Analysis on Cute Cosmetics Ltd, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Robert Alexander Schumann Was Born In The Small Riverside Town Of Zwic Essay Example For Students

Robert Alexander Schumann Was Born In The Small Riverside Town Of Zwic Essay kau, Saxony, in 1810.The youngest of five children, Robert Schumann was brought up in comfortable, middle-class respectability. As a child, he apparently exhibited no remarkable abilities. At the age of six, Robert was sent to the local preparatory school, run by Archdeacon Dohner. He had in fact already begun his education, with the young tutor who gave lessons in exchange for board and lodging at the Schumann home. At the age of seven Robert received his first piano lessons, from Johann Gottfried Kuntzsch, organist at St. Marys Church, and schoolmaster at the Zwickau Lyceum. Kuntzsch was a kindly, conservative musician of limited abilities; his knowledge stemmed from leisure-time study. Nevertheless, Robert was soon improvising, and even composing a set of dances for the piano. Roberts musical talent was recognized by his father. He bought an expensive Streicher grand piano for his son, and soon four-handed arrangements of the classics were heard in the Schumann home. With a friend named Friedrich Piltzing, another pupil of Kuntzchs, Robert started to explore Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. As a child, Schumann took part in several concerts at the Zwickau Lyceum. He once played Moscheles Alexander March variations, which demanded considerable dexterity. At the public Lyceum Robert was active as both pianist and public speaker. When he was fourteen, Kuntzsch decided that his pupil had progressed beyond the point where he could give further help, and declined to teach him anymore. Shortly before leaving the Lyceum, Schumann collaborated with his brother Karl in preparing a new edition of Forcellinis Latin dictionary, Lexicon Totius Latinatinis. Although now very busy as a composer, Robert yearned for affection. He soon fell for seventeen-year-old Ernestine von Fricken, who came to Leipzig in April 1834 to live in at the Wiecks, and to study with Claras father. She had grown up in the little town of Asch with her father, Baron von Fricken, and was the illegitimate daughter of Countess Zedtwitz. At the beginning of September 1835 Robert and Ernestine were secretly engaged. Within days, Baron von Fricken heard that something was afoot, arrived in Leipzig, and took Ernestine back to Asch. After secret discussions, the engagement was broken off by mutual agreement. Possibly Robert had been kept in the dark about Ernestines origins. In any event, the affair had a catalytic effect on Roberts music. He had the idea of writing a series of piano pieces based on the letters ASCH; these he later turned into Carnival. He also composed some piano variations on a theme provided by Baron von Fricken. But Roberts friend Schunke had fallen seriously ill. Unable to bear the sight, Robert went back to Zwickau again, only returning to Leipzig in December to negotiate a change of publisher for the Zeitschrift. From the beginning of 1835 the journal was published by the Leipzig firm of JA Barth. Late in 1835 Mendelsson arrived in Leipzig to take over as music director of the Gewandhaus. Still only twenty-six, Mendelsson was the director of the age, and Schumann felt an immediate attraction when they met at Wiecks house. Following the newcomers debut in Leipzig, Schumann wrote praising him in the Letters of an Enthusiast column of his Zeitzcrift. Schumann did however venture to criticise Mendelssohns use of the baton; he believed that an orchestra should function as a republic and that ridgity should be avoided. At about this time, too, Robert met both Chopin and Ignaz Moscheles at the Wiecks. Throughout the autumn of 1835 Schumann was a regular visitor at the Wiecks home, seeing much of Clara, who was now sixteen. He had been following her career as a virtuoso closely since she was nine.when he was depressed, she cheered him up. Their talent affection was now becoming increasingly evident. Robert had now finished his first piano sonata, dedicated The evening Clara set out on an important concert tour, Robert came to wish her well, and kissed her good-bye. They saw each other again in Zwickau, and kissed again. In the new year Robert traveled to Dresden, where he knew Clara was spending a holiday without her father, and made his declaration of love. .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 , .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .postImageUrl , .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 , .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778:hover , .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778:visited , .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778:active { border:0!important; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778:active , .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778 .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u82652440fdbc949ca826bb3f966b4778:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay On The Awakening By Kate ChopinSchumann seems to have thought Claras father would welcome him as his son-in-law. He was wrong. Hearing that Robert and Clara had been meeting behind his back, Wieck was enraged, and wrote to Robert insisting that all relations be severed. At the same time he distracted Claras attention by flaunting her a new singing teacher, Karl Banck. Clara, only just sixteen, was regarded by her father as a mere child. Wieck had nurtured her talents, and now saw her on the threshold of an outstanding career. He was not going to stand by and watch her marry Schumann, who he knew, to his own irritation, had neglected his training and squandered his resources. Naturally Robert was desperate. Extravagant spending sprees led to pleas to his brothers for money. He started drinking heavily, and his generally impolite habits led to a noisy argument with his landlady. Finally he wrote to her. To understand Wiecks attitude, we need to examine his feelings about Clara. She represented his special creation, his lifes work. He had labored with her for long years at the keyboard. She had finally emerged as his best pupil, the star exemplar of his techniques. At the same time she now represented a valuable commercial asset. She simultaneously fed Wiecks wallet and his ego. In May 1837, after another long tour, Clara arrived back in Leipzig. Not long afterwards banck, like Schumann before him, was rejected by Wieck as a suitor for Clara. At this time Schumanns disappointment seems to have turned to malice. He declared himself ready to avenge himself on Clara. But this was only a temporary mood; in a letter to her in August, with words cold and serious, yet so beautiful, Robert protested she remained the dearest in the world. His feelings were echoed by his beloved. On August 14 they became sacredly engaged. On Claras eighteenth birth day, Robert Wrote to Wieck asking for his consent to their marriage. He argued that his prospects were greatly improved, and his stability enchanced; You owe it to my position, my talent and my character. The wedding finally took place on 12 September, the day before Claras twenty-first birthday. After that she would in any case free of her fathers will. Possibly Robert chose the day as a final signal of defiance to his new father-in-law. Much later in their marriage Robert started to have a mental illness. He heard a solitary note beating in Roberts ears, giving him no peace. On 26 February 1854 Robert begged Clara to have him committed to an asylum, but was finally persuaded by the doctor to go to bed. Later Clara discovered that Robert had thrown himself into the River Rhine, and fisherman had rescued him. On March 4 Robert was taken to Dr. Richarzs private asylum at Endenich, near Bonn. At intervals his mind cleared a little. On June 8 1856, Roberts birthday, Brahams found him thin, oblivious of every thing outside, picking names out of an atlas and putting them into alphabetical order. On Thursday 29 July Robert was finally released from his suffering. At four in the afternoon he fell asleep. He passed away without anyone noticing. Clara did not see him until half an hour later. Schumann was buried at seven oclock on the morning of 31 July 1856 in Bonn. Brahms and Joachin walked in front of the coffin which was carried by some of the Dusseldorf choir. Clara asked that a few friends be there. That was the life and death of Robert Schumann.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Simulation in Production Planning and Scheduling

Executive Summary The use of optimization techniques for managerial decision-making is popular. Various tools have been developed to help fit few resources to production processes with the aim of maximizing profits and reducing wastage of resources. This paper looks into this aspect with a special interest in simulation.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Simulation in Production Planning and Scheduling specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Simulation is a technique that tries to replicate a real life scenario into a model. With reference to case study examples, this paper analyses methodologies adopted in applying this technique in product planning and scheduling. The researcher also reviews literature in this field to get greater insight into the topic. The paper concludes that simulation is a critical tool for business success as long as it is installed after careful preparation and steps taken to ensure it refle cts the needs and objectives of the organization. Introduction Simulation is a manufacturing technique that aptly represents reality of operations and processes in a model. The model is a reflection of what happens in reality and takes into account the parameters and conditions on the ground. It is quite a useful tool in product planning and scheduling. Scheduling is the act performed by managers where they allocate resources, indentify procedures, and estimate different parameters that entail the procedures, such as costs. This is quite imperative in project management as it informs the project manager about the imminent project and acts as a tool for prediction. Product planning, on the other hand, refers to the process of allocation of meager resources to production activities with the aim of ensuring that company objectives are met. This includes customer satisfaction and meeting demand. Generally, this represents an optimization problem for a company as it refers to a process w here a manager has to make a decision to minimize costs and maximize profits simultaneously. This paper looks into the possibility of applying simulation to solving production planning and scheduling problems in different organizations. The researcher employs the use of case studies and previous applications of these tools to reflect the advantages, disadvantages, problems, and possible solutions inherent to the usage of simulation in these functions. Through evaluation of this case study, the researcher points out recommendations of the issues that manufacturers encounter in using this powerful function (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). Conceptual Framework This section looks into the literature surrounding the use and application of simulation in scheduling and production planning. The review points out the disadvantages and looks into the possibility of improper application of this tool in different companies.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's se e if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Production Planning Production planning refers to the act of striving to meet market demands through effective and efficient usage and application of resources in a manufacturing or service firm. Production planning, according to Graves (1999) is quite an effective tool in reaching optimal solutions to managerial problems. It is applicable to staff planning, how many lots to produce in a particular time, how to allow extra work time, and how to sequence production runs effectively. Since this is an optimization problem, different tools can be used to solve them. This is informed by the nature of the manufacturing, the level of technology and size of the organization in question. Examples of optimization solution techniques are linear programming, simulation, and complex computer software (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). Graves (1999) also points out that to use a certain technique certain features about the product and production processes must be accounted for; for instance, the time of production. This informs the usage of certain techniques. The use of simulation is quite popular. This is because of the possibility of putting the model on a test run and coming up with the model that fits the organization perfectly (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). In certain situations, it is relatively easier to use compared to others. Additionally, the possibility of putting these models on a test run effectively makes it quite flexible and admirable. In production planning, according to Graves (1999), this technique is the most widely spread. An organization needs to indentify certain objectives and come up with a list of the constraints or limitations or resources. This is put into a model that replicates the actual situation on the ground. Another way to solve production-planning problems that is widely applicable in many organizations is linear programming. It is almost similar to simulation bu t it has the limitation of many assumptions. Hence, it may not reflect the reality on the ground as noted by Graves (1999). Scheduling During the development of a project, it is imperative to ensure that activities that lead to the completion of the project are commenced appropriately and their deadlines met. Deadline represents one of the constraints of a project. Others include the scope of the project, the cost or budget allocated, goals, and objectives set out in the project (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). In a manufacturing set-up, operations scheduling entails dispatching, controlling, tracking, and monitoring of production in the shop floor. It is imperative to ensure that certain functions within a manufacturing plant run smoothly.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Simulation in Production Planning and Scheduling specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, scheduling is highly applicable to personn el allocations to work centers, equipment allocation, capacity planning, prioritization, and determination of order performance. Additionally, scheduling helps managers to control activities at the shop floor so that orders with relative urgency are dispatched (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). Hence, this is a very important function in ensuring smooth operations of a manufacturing plant. It is also quite important in the overall success of a company as it directly affects the demand. Figure 1: Typical Scheduling Process Figure 1 above represents a typical scheduling process where controls are carried out by software. The software maybe designed from a simulation run by the firm over a long period. It captures activities in the whole process with necessary parameters. It details each person’s requirement in the process (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). Scheduling is quite important as it plays a huge role in minimizing idle time from machines and personnel, reduces time spent by a product before it is finally released in market, and helps in meeting deadlines in the downstream of a market. Application of Simulation in Scheduling Methodology Companies apply production planning using a top-down approach that goes to finer details (e.g. from days to hours). Essentially, the management allocates real orders to the available resources to meet maximal capacity utilization, minimize work in progress, reduce chances for delays, and to have as minimal thorough-put times as possible. It is important to note that these needs are frequently in conflict.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Depending on the needs of an organization, different methods may be used, for example assignment techniques, simulation techniques and computer software. Since this paper looks into simulation, it is crucial to note that it is applied in two levels. First, a simulations model may be developed that tests and configures an existing tool of planning. Hence, it is just a fine tuning tool and is not part of the production process. Secondly, simulation may play a direct role in production if it is installed in the system. In this case, it is referred to as an Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) tool. Essentially, it does most of the functions captured that define scheduling such as allocating tasks, equipment, and order processing and updates on Work in Progress (WIP). Limitation The use of these systems does not mean that organizations or companies gain from their applications. The case study highlights areas where many companies may end up confused by the whole system. Data stored in these systems, especially the APS, may reveal many anomalies. This is partly because of lack of proper reflection. For example, a German toy manufacturer in the case study had the following anomalies. Anomaly Degree of anomaly Work stations Less that 50% of work stations (140 in total) were in use Capacity Some work stations had zero capacity utilization while others had over 500% utilization Orders Frequent delays Synchronization Lack of synchronization between shop floor reality and system reflection Figure 2: Anomalies in System Findings and Suggested Solutions A company (Decopart) that supplies aluminum parts used the APS system quite effectively. The management employed the use of experts to carry out the technical work. Additionally, Decopart uses up to date tools for this processes, which are easily adaptable to the changes in production or market demand. They have the capacity to detect the need for more resources and any delays or idle times. It is also quite integrative which means it reflects the whole organization is functioning. The system took quite some time to install. This ensured that the company came up with many processes that were in contrast with the objectives of the systems. Additionally, through use of a model, the company was able to fine-tune the system to reflect its future capacity requirements. Hence, it is imperative to understand your organization well before installing this system (Mapes, Szwejczewski New, 2000). Advantages and Disadvantages Simulation has many advantages. First, it allows a company to study the whole organization as a model before installing the model to its operations. This is an important step as it brings out the bottlenecks that the company should deal with in future. Additionally, it allows the company to adjust to the needs of the organization and to the system with the aim of achieving certain goals. Depending on how well it is used, how well it is designed, and the level of preparation before the full installation, a company is in a position to adjust positively to any changes that may occur in future affecting the system. This includes the need for more resources, changes in market demand, creation of new workstations, and changes in personnel duties (Mapes, Szwejczewski New, 2000). The system is quite costly to roll out. Decopart used quite a huge sum of money to set up its own system. Although it effectively, connects major manufacturing functions in an organization, care must be taken in training. This is because many employees may find it tiring to adjust to the needs of the system and hence affect its functions. Additionally, enough expertise must be sought to put the relevant data captured in the system to good use. This is because, it is inappropriate to have all that information without aiding in managerial decisions. Application of Simulation in Production Planning Methodology In a production process whose steps are predefined, application of simulation is quite possible. For example, the case study presents a company that produces prefabricated concrete parts for houses. Certain steps are performed in certain duration using predetermined times. Machines are programmed to know cycle times and locations of a part during production. Hence, it forms a continuous process. This is after a careful analysis of previous production using a simulation model. The model can tell how many products are likely to be produced with defects and can be tweaked to ensure that these defects are reduced to the minimum and detected before the product reaches the customer. The company uses an online simulation, which records sales data and uses this data to reflect what to produce (Mapes, Szwejczewski New, 2000). Limitation Creating such a system requires quite a lot of time. Previous operations should be captured and appropriate software created to reflect this information. For example, the case has a company that was in the business of painting cars. More than 100 colors were in use and certain procedures in the painting process resulted in delays, long transitional times, and idle time. This contributed to a challenge in trying to come up with an appropriate model. Hence, some business functions may be difficult to put into a simulation model (Krauth, 2010). Advantages and Disadvantages As noted above, not all process can be put into a model. Some are a bit complex and hard to simulate. The use of ISSOP optimization tool helps in these situations. It has an inbuilt tool that caters for many aspects of production such as production planning, throughput times, idle times, and capacity. However, a slight tweak in the system may cause considerable danger to the production process and steps must be taken to ensure that there are corrective measures in place. Additionally, simulation software requires a human interface. Although some are quite automated, some defects can affect a huge roll out in production leading to catastrophic co nsequences (Krauth, 2010). Evaluation of the Case Study The case study was a critical look at the optimization and simulation tools in place in major organizations and SMEs. The case presents a number of small businesses that are using these tools in production planning and scheduling. It also highlights the challenges, advantages, and appropriate software for the different organizations with specific needs. It also looks at the suitability of these models for the future and critically analyses the level of applicability: is it a support system or the main system? The case also looks into the issue where some problems cannot be captured in a system and their effect on the overall need to meet certain objectives. For example, personnel morale is an independent variable whose effect may not be captured in the system. Offline and online simulation and their respective advantages are also discussed in detail (Krauth, 2010). Summary of Findings and Recommendations The case’s major finding is that although many companies use simulation and optimization systems, majority are not satisfied with them. It is hard to understand the system as a nonprofessional and appropriate training and preparation are crucial to the success of such production planning and scheduling systems. Additionally, it is important to note that much software has been developed to analyze the functions of a system but specific companies that should insist on that specific software which appropriately captures the needs of the company. Certain decisions can be made directly using software solutions (Krauth, 2010). For example, it can allocate responsibility to personnel, detect idle time, and reflect urgent demands. However, it cannot capture the mood of personnel and this may lead to ‘invisible causes of bottlenecks’. Hence, it is crucial for the management to continuously asses every aspect of an organization with the aim of reducing and capturing such bottlenecks. As the comp any, Decopart found out, a production process, which has many available options, reduces the effectiveness of creating a simulation or optimization system. Hence, much time needs to be dedicated to such processes to reduce chances of a defective system (Krauth, 2010). Conclusion Many companies employ optimization and simulation techniques to solve managerial problems. These solutions are meant to enhance decision-making capability of the management. The case looks into the use of simulation in particular towards finding solutions in product planning and scheduling functions of an organization. The case study presents a number of companies whose optimization software solutions, as a direct business function or as an assisting function, helps in streamlining operations. For instance, a car painting business that uses simulation software to run its operations with tremendous results. It is crucial to note that the optimization and simulation solutions are not entirely good for all orga nizations. Certain steps need to be carried out to ensure that the solutions are successful. For instance, ample preparation, knowing the market, personnel training, and motivation packages are crucial steps. Additionally, proper expertise is a fundamental requirement towards realizing this goal (Krauth, 2010). References Chase, B.R., Jacobs, R.F. Aquilano, N.J. (2006). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. New York: McGraw Irwin. Graves, C.S. (1999). Manufacturing Planning and Control. Web. Krauth, J. (2010). Simulation Supports Production Planning and Scheduling. Berlin: Sim Serv. Mapes, J., Szwejczewski, M. New, C. (2000). Process Variability and Its Effect on Plant Performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 20 (7): 792-808. This case study on Simulation in Production Planning and Scheduling was written and submitted by user Charley S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Gross Domestic Product Essays

Gross Domestic Product Essays Gross Domestic Product Essay Gross Domestic Product Essay In the 1990s, the economy faced a number of challenges such as unsustainable budget and balance of payment deficits, economic sanctions, and resulting low economic growth. In 1990-91, the budget deficit had risen to 8. 7 percent of the GDP. The continued increase in Government expenditures and dwindling workers remittances from abroad had meant an ever-increasing reliance on public sector borrowing. It has been estimated that since 1977, the public debt in real terms has grown at a much faster rate than the GDP. Between 1990 and December 2000, Pakistans external obligations increased from about US$ 22 billion to over US$ 37 billion. Increasing reliance on short to medium term financing to meet external obligations compounded the unsustainability of the external debt. According to the ADB Draft Poverty Alleviation Report (2001), in 1997-98 the short to medium term debt accounted for about 23 percent of the total external liability and more than 48 percent of the debt servicing cost. According to the same report, in 1997-98 the debt servicing accounted for as much as 54 percent of the total export earnings and about 40 percent of total foreign exchange earning. To rectify these imbalances in the economy, Pakistan implemented various World Bank/IMF structural adjustment and stabilization programmes. The three recent IMF programmes relate to 1988-91, 1993-96 and 1997- 2000. In addition Pakistan has sought debt relief to create fiscal space and spend the available resources on reducing poverty. Not only did the development activities in the public sector slow down, but as a result of the political uncertainty, excessive government regulations, lack of continuity in economic policies and the ongoing process of structural adjustment led to a very weak private sector growth as well. : It is reported that during 1992-99, the investment grew at a rate less than one percent per annum and as a result the domestic fixed investment declined from 19 percent of the GDP in 1992-93 to less than 15 percent in 1997-98. The economy slipping into the debt trap resulted in a halt to the past practice of large public sector development expenditures that had traditionally been financed by internal and external borrowing. The lower levels of public sector investment in the infrastructure further curtailed growth activities such as trade and transport. The fiscal deficit was as high as 8.8% of GDP in 1990-91, but was reduced to 5. 3% in 2000-01. Pakistan took a basic step toward industrialization by initiating a six-year economic development plan in the early 1950s (1951-1957). The program allowed for free import of capital goods to facilitate progress. Although this was somehow detrimental to the agriculture sector in that it led to a decrease in the production of edible grains, the program was highly successful. It not only facilitated the process of industrialization, but it also brought about developments in the areas of transport, communications, water and power, and technical training. The government of Pakistan organized a planning committee in 1953 to draw up the countrys first five-year economic development plan on the basis of feedback from the said six-year program. The new plan aimed at increasing GDP by 15 percent; income per capita, by 7 percent; food production, by 9 percent; and industrial production, by 60 percent, as well as creating two million jobs. These objectives were not fully achieved. However, the countrys GDP increased by 11 percent, and its income per capita grew by 6 percent; and there was considerable improvement in the production of consumable goods. The second economic development plan (1961-1965) pursued the same objectives; namely, increase of GDP, increase of income per capita, and creation of new jobs; and it succeeded in achieving them with a certain degree of success. The third economic development plan (1965-1970), being a part of the countrys twenty-year development plan (1965-1985), was more comprehensive than the previous plans, though it encountered various difficulties at the outset: In September 1965, war broke out between Pakistan and India; and this diverted the countrys internal resources from development to defense purposes. Also, US aids to Pakistan were suspended. And, worst of all, natural disasters such as torrential floods in some cities affected the implementation of the plan adversely. The fourth economic development plan (1970-1975) was prepared with the firm intention of reinforcing the foundation of development and minimizing local and regional differences. However, this plan was never implemented because of the 1971 conflict with India, as a result of which East Pakistan (or Bangladesh as it is now called) was partitioned. Thus, the government had to draw up a new plan (1971-1978). Whereas the 1970-75 plan had discouraged private investments owing to the nationalistic policies of 1971, the new plan aimed at developing the public sector, though with little success. On the whole, the countrys economy lagged behind during this period owing to the governments conflicting economic policies and the private sectors lack of interest to initiate investment. The fifth economic development plan (1978-1983) was drawn up with the aim of adjusting the undesirable economic status of the country. Initially the plan failed in achieving the desired goal. Eventually, however, it bore fruit. For instance, the industrial sectors value added increased 54 percent. This was due to the flexible nature of the plan, which allowed for yearly adjustments to be made on the basis of the development needs of each year. The sixth economic development plan (1983-88) was implemented successfully immediately after the fifth. In the course of implementing the plan, Pakistans GDP increased at an average annual rate of 6 percent at real prices. Prices increased only slightly. Share of investment in GDP increased up to 17 percent. Toward the end of the plan, share of external debts in GDP increased 12 percent, and that of import decreased 17 percent. While the average annual growth of GDP was 5 percent during the seventh economic development plan (1988-1993), average annual rise of prices was 9 percent. Share of the countrys gross investment in GDP grew from 8. 5 percent at the beginning of the plan to 20. 7 percent towards its end. Share of export in GDP rose from 12. 5 percent at the beginning to 14. 2 percent toward the end. There was also an increase in the share of import in GDP During the first two years of the eighth plan (1993-1998), which pursued the objectives of privatization and attraction of foreign investment, GDP fell 4 percent as compared with that of the seventh plan. Share of investment in GDP was about 20 percent. Share of the countrys external debts in GDP rose 6 percent. Share of export decreased 13 percent, but share of import remained unchanged.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Average SAT Scores Over Time 1972 - 2018

Average SAT Scores Over Time 1972 - 2018 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips SAT scores for the past few years have shown a marked decline, particularly since 2006, which can be attributed to various causes. In this article, we provide you with some charts showing the average SAT trends from 1972 to 2018 as well as the variation in SAT scores by ethnicity. Average SAT Scores for Past Years: 1972-2018 First off, here is a chart of the SAT averagesfrom 1972 to 2018 so that you can see the overall trends in SAT scores throughout the years. All data is taken from the 2016 College Board Total Group Profile Report, the 2017 report, and the 2018 report. Year Math Critical Reading Writing Year Math Critical Reading Writing 1972 509 530 - 1996 508 505 - 1973 506 523 - 1997 5 505 - 1974 505 521 - 1998 512 505 - 1975 498 512 - 1999 5 505 - 1976 497 509 - 2000 514 505 - 1977 496 507 - 2001 514 506 - 1978 494 507 - 2002 516 504 - 1979 493 505 - 2003 519 507 - 1980 492 502 - 2004 518 508 - 1981 492 502 - 2005 520 508 - 1982 493 504 - 2006 518 503 497 1983 494 503 - 2007 514 501 493 1984 497 504 - 2008 514 500 493 1985 500 509 - 2009 514 499 492 1986 500 509 - 2010 515 500 491 1987 501 507 - 20 514 497 489 1988 501 505 - 2012 514 496 488 1989 502 504 - 2013 514 496 488 1990 501 500 - 2014 513 497 487 1991 500 499 - 2015 5 495 484 1992 501 500 - 2016 508 494 482 1993 503 500 - 2017* 527 533 1994 504 499 - 2018* 531 536 1995 506 504 - - - - *The old SAT had three main sections: Math, Critical Reading, and Writing. Since theSAT's massive redesign in spring 2016, there are now two main sections on the test: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW), the latter of which is a combination of the Reading and Writing sections. Now, here's historical SAT test data for different ethnicities. The scores below are the combined mean scores for the Critical Reading and Math sections (for 2017 and 2018, scores shown are the means for the EBRW and Math sections combined). Demographic of Test Takers 2007 Scores 20 Scores 2015 Scores 2016 Scores* 2017 Scores* 2018 Scores* American Indian or Alaskan Native 981 972 963 939 963 914 Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander 1092 12 23 31 (Asian American) 870 (Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander) 81 (Asian) 986 (Native Hawaiian/ Other Pacific Islander) 52 (Asian) 948 (Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander) Black or African American 862 855 859 855 941 919 Mexican or Mexican American 921 917 905 - - - Puerto Rican 913 904 905 - - - Other Hispanic, Latino, or Latin American 922 913 906 901 (All Hispanic, Latino, and Latin American) 990 (Hispanic/ Latino) 1005 (Hispanic/Latino) White 1061 1063 1063 1061 18 1077 Other 1009 1010 1009 1015 03 (Two or More Races) 1044 (Two or More Races) No Response 977 944 926 952 961 875 Sources: 2007 Report,20 Report, 2015 Report, 2016 Report, 2017 Report, 2018 Report *Note the changes in ethnic categories for the 2016-2018 reports. SAT Score Trends: Discussing the Numbers What the SAT charts above show us is that the scores vary greatly depending on how the College Board structures the test and organizes its scoring. The years of study thata student engages in matter. The more years of secondary education someone has completed, the better her average score on the SAT will be. Higher GPA also correlates with higher SAT scores. Generally, Critical Reading (now called Reading on theredesignedSAT) has taken an overall decline, whereas the Math score has risen slightly over time. There are of course small fluctuations throughout the years, but the overall trend is clear. There are also notable gaps in the performances of students from different socioeconomic and ethnic groups that show no signs of closing. ACT scores, unlike SAT scores, have remained relatively more stable over the past several years. Though they, too, have shown similar variations in numbers, it hasn’t been as bad as the SAT numbers. On the other hand, they do show differences based on the ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds of the test takers. Due to the nature of the test or due to different demographic profiles among test takers, from 2006 to 2016 overall average SAT scores fell a total of 34 points, down in each of the three sections tested. (You'll notice a sharp increase in section scores in 2017, but this is partly due to the SAT's massive redesign; thus, we won't be able to use these scores for our comparison until more years use the redesigned SAT format.) According to the demographics table, from 2007 to 2015 the average scores for white students stayed about the same. Similarly, mostother groups witnessed no change or decreases from 2007 to 2015. Asian Americans experiencedthe biggest positive change of all groups during this time frame: a staggering 31-point increase in mean Critical Reading/Math scores. (Note, though, that before 2016, Asian Americans were combined with Pacific Islanders.) Access to quality education, not ethnicity, might explain a significant portion of the racial gap. This can includevariations based on whether the student completed a core curriculum or not, and whether they had access to SAT prep. In 2014-2017, more students took the ACT than the SAT; this trend reversed in 2018, with over 2.1 million students taking the SAT (compared to 1.9 million who took the ACT during that same time period). Many students believe that the SAT doesn't accurately reflect what is taught in schools today. The decision to institute changes to the SAT in 2016 may have beendue to this disparity between what is taught and what is tested; it could also have beendue to the loss of market shares to the ACT. Critics say that the SAT measures a student's background and access to resources (including test prep) more than it predicts a student's likelihood of success at the college level. Actually, those two points might correlate because the students that receive this sort of help are also more likely to receive the support they need in college from their families. While it’s true there is variation in scores with respect to race and income, it is still something that can be overcome by the student with both dedication and practice. What’s Next? Struggling with a low SAT score? Check out our series of articles on the how to improve your scores on the SATMath, Reading, and Writingsections. Shooting high on the SAT? Check out our series on how to get perfect scores on the SAT Math, Reading, and Writingsections,written by a perfect scorer. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hearing loss Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hearing loss - Research Paper Example This paper explores the causes of, and diagnosis and available treatment for hearing loss. The types of hearing loss and their impact on the well-being of persons with hearing impairment, as well as on the society, are highlighted. The cause of hearing loss or etiology can be readily apparent like an ear infection or amassing of ear wax in the external ear canal and can also be indefinite such as in the cases of non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (Connelly, 2005). Generally, the major causes of hearing loss include excessive noise, ototoxic reaction to drugs, aging, genetic inheritance or birth defects, infections, and head or ear injury. Exposure to harmful noise causes damage to sensitive inner ear structures, called hair cells, leading to noised-induced hearing loss. Hair cells are small sensory cells that are responsible for the conversion of sounds into electrical signals, which are then sent to the brain for perception. Once damaged, hair cells can hardly grow back, making loss of hearing permanent. Both the decibel levels of and one’s distance to sounds are equally crucial in determining the potential risks for noise-induced hearing loss. Repeated exposure to sounds at or higher than 85 decibels can impair hearing while a one-time exposure to a much intense sound like explosion can result in hearing loss (NIDCD, 2008). Meanwhile, chemotherapy drugs and radiation employed for the treatment of childhood cancer induce damage to hearing. High doses of radiation may result in ear wax build-up or inflammation in the outer ear, stiffness of eardrum or middle ear bones, or fluid build-up in the middle ear, which can lead to hearing loss (Landier and Ruccione, 2008). Further, radiation can induce damage to the inner ear’s hair cells, resulting in a sensorineural hearing loss. Hearing loss due to viral and bacterial infections such as in syphilis, toxoplasmosis, mumps, bacterial

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Waving somebody through a traffic forms part of gestures in communication, the use of gesture diligently forms part of almost 60 % of effective communication because people use most of the body parts as more as words to communicate effectively. The use of gesture varies depending on culture and class within the society. Therefore, as in the above case, when the respondent turns and takes action through positive response towards an expressive interest of the sender, then effective communication said to have taken place. Besides, it is the belief between the two parties who are engaged in the communication process to point out whether the information has been rightfully communicated. Ultimately, the effectiveness of communication by waving out someone in traffic is, therefore, depended on positive action or reaction of the respondent. If there is no positive action then, it is deemed ineffective (Kopp and Wachsmuth171) Kopp, Stefan and Wachsmuth, Ipke. Gesture in embodied communication and human-computer interaction: 8th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2009, Bielefeld, Germany, February 25-27, 2009; revised selected papers. Berlin: Springer, 2010.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

American Revolution Essay Example for Free

American Revolution Essay Black American also referred to as African Americans are the US citizens with an African origin. Some of them are descendants of survivors of Africans who were brought to America as slaves to work in sugar plantations. Other black communities in America are as a result of voluntary immigration from the African community. African Americans make the largest minority group in the present United States of America. The African American community has for a long time been neglected and discriminated, they had little or no rights at all, which caused them to form movements to fight and campaign for the recognition of their rights. In the United State, women have been facing harsh treatments from their male counterparts. They have also been denied quite a number of rights. This research is intended to look into the similarities and differences that exist between the progression of the black Americans and American women in the United States. (Felder, 1990) Progression of blacks For many years, blacks Americans in the United States have been the poorest community in the country. They were regarded as slaves and had no rights to own properties and work. As time went by, they were allowed to grow crops and keep livestock. Though they could intermarry with other communities, they were still poor and could not have right over their spouses married from other communities. African Americans were regarded as immigrants to the country and therefore taken inferior to the indigenous communities. After several attempts to fight for their rights, they formed movements to champion for their rights as other communities in the United States. These movements were fighting for equality in different sphere of life including the right to own properties, the right to employment, to vote, and others. The civil rights movement started in early 20th century. These movements were encouraged by the extending role of the government in developing the economy and society. This encouraged the starting of businesses and jobs for blacks, the establishment of judicial law to protect the rights of all Americans rather than protecting businesses and whites only. The former US president, Mr Franklin Roosevelt, who was in power by then, appointed the judges who favored the rights of African Americans. Mr Hugo Black was appointed to head the Supreme Court as the judge. This contributed to blacks accessing schooling like whites without any sort of discrimination as before. The government was clearly supporting the rights of the black community in championing their rights. At the start of the Second World War in Europe, African Americans brought their demand to fair treatment than it was during the First World War. They said through Medias that for them to contribute in the war, African Americans enrolled in the military had to be trained like their white counterparts while other civilians were to work in the same industries the white worked. In 1941, blacks organized a march to Washington lead by Randolph Philip A. to demand the government to have blacks contracted in the defense department as the whites. This encouraged the government to order the creation of equal employment committee to enforce the practice of fair employment. The formation of the committee did not solve the matter but discrimination of the blacks went on. During the war, though the blacks contributed to about less that a quarter of the military personnel, they were trained as pilots in the armed forces without any discrimination. This did not fully solve the matter for there were others who were put in a delicate position without any combat. After the government allowed the equal employment of blacks and whites, many blacks migrated to north for employment in war industries than they had migrated to south during the First World War. This migration was encouraged by an urge to have a much better incomes as others. There was much tension in their new homes in fear of racial oppressions. Those who migrated to the north had to use their economic and political influence in supporting civil right for those who were left in south. (African-American, 2008). The blacks had gained much influence and were widely working against racial discrimination and were even challenging the registrar of voters in southern courthouse and could sue school boards for equality in education provision. The movement was gaining after the blacks were able to fight racism in Europe and in America. The war encouraged more blacks to fight racism in Europe and later extended to Asia. After the war, the blacks had gained momentum which encouraged the president to have uniform civil rights in the country but was rejected by the congress. This movement helped the blacks to have most of the rights that were initially enjoyed by the whites only including right to education, right to vote, and right to participate in politics. Since then, African Americans have greatly enjoyed full rights of citizenship of the United States. As a result of this, blacks are able to strive for higher seats in the government and in other areas. Recently the blacks have progressed to a point of vying the highest seat in the country. Example of this is Illinois senator Mr. Barak Obama. (History made, 2008) After the war, rights movement continued with a success, different forms of discrimination had already been overturned and this time it was on equal education provision and opportunities. After much emphasis on equal education provision that challenged primary and secondary education, the court ruled that segregating racial education was against the constitution. Segregating education faced a major challenge by whites opposing the ruling of the court; this called the whites to have mass resistance in complying with the segregation orders. Firing the black school employees who were on the favor of segregation was another tactic that was used by the whites and creating whites private schools other than boycotting the integrated schools that incorporated both races. During the first years, the schools were not desegregated, but this gradually proceeded as the schools as the segregation had already taken part in the neighborhood. In overcoming this some schools sent their students in different neighborhoods. After much struggle by the whites to fight segregation, they formed a group called Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The group used all form of violence and threats against anybody who was supporting the desegregation or the rights of the blacks. With support from the media they performed all forms of terrorism especially in the southern states in the early second quarter of the 20th century. Though there were still threats and violence, this did not end the struggle for the rights of the blacks, it had to move beyond the education provision to challenge other affected areas like in public transport and other public service provisions. The black community was annoyed by the whites for being rude and abusive. A bus boycott was organized in Alabama after a white passenger expected a black passenger to excuse him from the bus seat, this kind of harassment contributed to organizing for a boycott within a night which was a success, this called in court attention and the segregation in busses were to start immediately factors that helped in ending the continuous harassment of the blacks by the whites in the city. Martin Luther King who chaired the Montgomery Improvement Association, organized a boycott through his organization, King’s plea to Christians was to create a non discriminatory impression of people in the whole country. King wanted the violent and harsh ways to a non violent way of encouraging segregation. In the University of North Carolina, four black students started yet another protest against the whites’ only counters, though it was not a new for of protest, it had spread through out Carolina within days, this lead to desegregation of restaurants across the southern states. This movement showed clearly that whites and blacks are alike and they could show they were against segregation openly. The students found a nonviolent committee in 1960, the formation of the committee was to help the students organize sit-ins movements. It was encouraged that civil rights movements should only be based on individual communities of the blacks. This was to enforce change to the local communities rather than the national change. The voters’ registration campaign started in 1964, though the community level activism had started in 1961, there was a heavy commitment in heavily concentrated black territories mostly in rural areas of southern states. The blacks believed that voting was the only way to empower them and had to ensure that they participated in changing of the racism policies in the south. The activist Robert Moses through Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) worked hard in registering blacks and teaching them the importance of voting, skills the required and the necessary responses applying for voter registration. The exercise faced a great opposition from the whites they went a head in threatening Robert and even beating and sending him to jail. The efforts of Mississippi to recruit both whites and blacks in colleges and other professions were thought to attract attention from the whole nation. This lead in having more active politician who later formed Mississippi freedom democratic party (MFDP) after they were rejected by the white democrats as members in their delegation. The actions of the whites were challenged when the blacks participated in the media interviews to represent Mississippi. The voting right was initiated by the blacks and began protesting in court houses in Selma, when they were unsuccessful, they proceeded to Montgomery where they faced police beating and were tear-gassed, the scene was televised and shocked many, this encouraged King to lead hundreds of people to a 50 mile march to Montgomery . The Selma march got great supports which in turn lead to enactment of the law which protected southern states blacks to vote. The president Johnson proposed the passage of rigors act by the congress in the 1965. After the amendment of the act, most of the requirements that restricted the blacks from voting were suspended. After this, the blacks were able to vie for major offices seats and were able to win in all districts. (Martin Luther King, Jr. 1958 ,46 ) Progression of women in the US Though the republic of America was founded on ideas of equality, liberty and freedom, it proved to be difficult to achieve in practice. Women in the United States were not regarded as equal to men despite of their important roles they played in forming and shaping the US. Their lives were confined in the domestic world and were not given enough chances to spearhead their causes in the education, social and in political arena This led to the rise of women activism in politics. They started realizing the power of politics in constructing women identity in the society. They realized that they could also play an important role of Republic motherhood by instilling republican and freedom values to their children. There were few women like Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, and others who become prominent public figure in the political arena. They championed for the rights of women. (History of women, 2008) During the American war with the British, women played great roles like boycotting of British goods and contributing to the economy of the country. They held several demonstrations that opened their eyes to some issues rather than being at home with their children. Some women participated in political activism that progressed women to another level. Some women participated in the in the progression of women by serving in the army. Although it was considered abnormal for women to enter in the war, most of them broke these rules and directly participated in the war. Other women like Deborah Sampson played the role of men in order to be allowed to enter into the war and fight in the front line alongside men. (Morton, 1980) She presented herself as a volunteer using male names to be recruited in the army. The last time she participated in the war, she was recognized as Robert Shertliffe. She served under the command of Captain Nathan for three years performing various duties until she was injured and could no longer continue fighting. She was later relieved of her duties and rewarded for the role she played in the army as a revolutionary warrior. Women played great roles in shaping the future of the counterparts. With the laid foundation by former women, modern women are able to compete with their male counterparts for the big positions in the job market, politics and in education achievements (Ellet, 1969). Hilary Clinton is a good example of a woman who has fought against the odds and was competing for the highest seat in the country. Another example is John McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin who would be the vise president if McCain wins; another woman who has fought to the higher seat is the American secretary of states Condoleezza Rice. (Mark, 2008) Similarities of blacks and women in America There are several similarities between the blacks and women in the United States. At first, they were regarded as people who were not much important to the society and their work was to serve the white man. They had to proof their capability in order to be regarded as important figure in the community. With formation and participation in movements and demonstrations, they found objections and were termed as illegally demonstrating and were facing brutal beatings and other sort of punishments. Blacks’ participation in the movements and protesting the rule of whites brought about a great change that its impact is felt in the modern America. Blacks have equal rights as whites in the country and the can access anything as their fellow whites are accessing. Were it not for the activists who volunteered and fought against the poor treatment of women by men, women could still be â€Å"stay at home mom† as they used to be. Blacks and women have climbed the ladder to the righted world and they have the right to do whatever a man can do (Wikipedia, 2008). In the current America, being a woman or black has no restriction in exercising ones right. None has more rights than the other and are all protected buy human rights which has not specified the race, religion or gender, provided its human being. The voting right was initiated by the blacks and began protesting in court houses in Selma, when they were unsuccessful, they proceeded to Montgomery where they faced police beating and were tear-gassed. The scene was televised and it shocked many people, which encouraged King to lead hundreds of people to a 50 mile march to Montgomery. The Selma march got great supports which in turn lead to enactment of law which protected southern states blacks to vote. The president Johnson proposed the passage of rigors act by the congress in the 1965. After the amendment of the act, most of the requirements that restricted the blacks from voting were suspended. After this the blacks were able to vie for major offices seats and were able to win in all districts. As each has gained the right to vote is a very important role in the welfare of the country, with all participating, democracy is exercised and only with majority supporters gains the access to any political seat. Conclusion The movement of civil rights in the United States has gone through major challenges before achieving a tremendous success. The total commitment of the activists was of benefit to the whole nation’s blacks and women. The recognition of capability of blacks and women has brought equality and has contributed to the growth of the economy. The movement also helped the blacks to access education like any other American without discrimination and also led to segregation of schools and other public services. The enactment of voting rights gave the blacks and women an opportunity to exercise politics like their white counterparts which in turn brought a better service provision to all citizens. Participation of blacks and women in national welfare activities like in war led to victory of the nation. Reference: African-American, 2008, retrieved from www. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/African_American on 3rd 10/2008 Ellet, E. 1969, The women of the American Revolution, New York; Haskell Felder, J. 1990, Black Origins and Lady Liberty, Daily Challenge. July 16, History made, 2008, Obama becomes first nominee of major party, retrieved from www. elections. foxnews. com/2008/08/27/history-made-obama-becomes-1st-black-nominee-of-major-party History of women, 2008, retrieved from www. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/History_of_women_in_the_United_States on 3rd 10/08 Mark E, 2008, career progression of minority and women, retrieved from /www. defenselink. mil/prhome/careerprog. html, on 3rd 10/08 Martin Luther King, Jr. 1958, Stride Toward Freedom New York: Harper Row Morton, M. 1980, The Liberty Daughters: the Revolutionary Experience of American women 1750-1800. Boston: Little brown Retrieved from www. African-American_Civil_Rights_Movement_ (1955-1968). htm on 3rd10/08 Wikipedia, 2008, African-American civil rights movement (1955-1968)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Japan and Its Customs Essay -- Japan Japanese Customs Essays

Japan and Its Customs General Information on Japan Japan has a population of approximately 125 million people packed tightly into a rather small geographic area. The official language in Japan is Japanese. Japanese is spoken only in Japan. The literacy rate in Japan is very close to 100 percent and 95 percent of the Japanese population has a high school education. Japan’s form of government is parliamentarian democracy under the rule of a constitutional monarch. The dominant religion is Shinto, which is exclusive to Japan. However, the Japanese have no official religion. Appearance 1) Make appointments before you arrive in the country Japanese don’t like newcomers. Make appointments before you arrive in the country. The best way is to be introduced personally by a Japanese agent, or better, by a Japanese business partner. Before you make an appointment send detailed information about your company. Your Japanese partners expect you to ask for the same. 2) Be on time As a general rule, the Japanese are always on time. There are no such things as being "fashionably late" or making a "grand entrance". If an event is to begin at 09:00, then it is best to arrive a few minutes early to get yourself organized and be prepared to begin right at 09:00 (not 09:05). 3) Dress conservatively In general, the Japanese are much more conscious of their appearance in public than we are in the West. Some Japanese would rather spend money on clothing than on food. In the large cities your clothing is a sign of your background, social status, or wealth. In general, women do not wear sleeveless tops, shorts, or revealing styles. To conform to the typical businessman's style, men wear dark two piece suits with plain white shirts and conservative ties. The Japanese do not wear excessive amounts of jewellery that are obvious signs of wealth. Although a piece of jewellery might be expensive, it is worn with a sense of quality, not quantity. Behavior 1) Greet with a long and low bow Bowing represents humility. You elevate, honor, and respect the other person by humbling yourself or lowering yourself. The lower you bow, the more you are honoring or respecting the other party. As a Westerner, you are not expected to initiate a bow, but a bow should always be returned (except from personnel at department stores and restaurants who bow to welcome... ... or letter openers; -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  items totaling an even number, such as four flower stems (the number four symbolizes death); items totaling nine (the number symbolizes suffering) -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  flowers are generally used at times of illness, death, or courting only -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  white and yellow chrysanthemums are for funerals Conclusion The Geert Hofstede analysis for Japan is dramatically different from other Asian Countries such as Hong Kong, Korea or China. In Japan Masculinity is the highest characteristic. The lowest ranking factor is Individualism, which coincides with their high ranking in Uncertainty Avoidance. Japan is a more collectivist culture that avoids risks and shows little value for personal freedom. Power Distance  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Individualism  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Uncertainty Avoidance  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Masculinity  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Long term orientation Japan  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  54  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  46  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  92  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  95  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  80 Romania  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  90  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  32  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  90  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  42  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PDI – Power Distance IDV – Individualism MAS – Masculinity UAI – Uncertainly Avoidance LTO – Long term Orientation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Anyone going to Japan will find it illuminating. Anyone going to do business in Japan will find it a must.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ronald Dore

Monday, November 11, 2019

Health risk appraisal

1. What areas of information are missing from this appraisal that would be helpful to you as a clinician? Though the appraisal was quite thorough, it did lack appropriate information regarding patient and family medical history (Chowdhury et al., 2002). While the patient’s lifestyle has an undisputed influence on any health problems he or she might be experiencing, insight into medical history has the potential to reveal genetic propensities that might weigh heavily on the patient’s health (2002). Also missing from this appraisal form is information regarding medications currently being taken by the patient. This is also useful to the clinician as it gives an idea of previous/existing conditions as well as the possibilities for side-effects, allergies, and interference with the drugs that might be presently prescribed for the patient (Nordenberg, 2000). 2. How can this tool be used to create a plan of care? This tool could be used to create a lifestyle change care-plan. The tool probes a wide variety of life-style areas and has the potential to reveal areas in which the patient has compromised his or her health by making and perpetuating bad lifestyle choices. Dietary assessments can be made and regimens created to improve the patient’s nutrition. Physical activity level is also made very accessible by this tool, and exercise plans can be created and modified for the patient starting with the assessment made using this tool. 3. What areas of the appraisal had you not considered previously in your assessments that you now recognize as being beneficial? The safety issues and the environmental issues were areas I had not previously considered in my assessments. I do see the necessity of these factors now, as decisions made regarding safety and environment can contribute as much to the well-being of a patient as diet and exercise. If, for example, a patient is routinely involved in mixing drinking with driving, then life expectancy will likely be reduced, even in the presence of regular exercise, proper diet, and good family medical history. 4. Would you use this appraisal with all assessments? Because of the nature of the lifestyle questions, which seem to be better suited for certain demographics, I would not use this appraisal with all assessments. If not, which aggregates or situations would you implement it with? I believe that the nature of the lifestyle questions dictate that the appraisal in its entirety is best suited for a healthy young population. The aged and aging might be able to relate to the dietary and safety questions, but will likely not be able to relate to those areas concerning strenuous physical activity. If you do not implement it with all clients, what measures will you include in order not to miss at-risk persons? I will incorporate many of the questions but not all of the sections. For example, the physical activity sections might be modified to accommodate lower levels of strain for geriatric patients. Furthermore, since falling is a hazard for older patients, balancing activities may also be included in that section. The dietary section could also be modified to include some of the areas necessary for geriatric patients, such as increased consumption of protein, calcium, and other minerals that deplete with aging. 5. What two things would you suggest to improve this health risk appraisal tool? In order to improve the tool, I would include measures of such lifestyle areas as stress levels and the patients’ financial capabilities. These too have the potential to increase the risk of illness in patients or to preclude their ability to properly care for their illnesses. 6. How could this tool be adapted to meet the time constraints of the nurse yet be comprehensive at the same time? One way to expedite time in the process of collecting the information would be to distribute the assessment to the patients prior to their meeting with the nurse. This way, the patients will be granted the time to fill it out at their leisure before bringing it in at the time of consultation. 7. How can the nurse use information gained from this appraisal to encourage or motivate others to change their behavior or lifestyle? The point system that the test utilizes has the potential to motivate patients, as higher scores boost morale and lower ones demonstrate that greater efforts would improve the patients’ lives. The breakdown of the test into areas also allows the patient to pinpoint the areas where changes would be appropriate. Therefore, stressing the benefits of behavior and lifestyle change in those areas would also encourage the patient to do what is necessary to get these desirable results. 8. How can the nurse ensure honest responses for the client in answering personal questions? In order to promote honesty, the nurse would ensure the confidentiality of the consultation as well as of the results of the assessment. Meeting in a private area would emphasize this, as would the use of envelopes as containers for the completed questionnaires. The nurse should also formally assure the patient of the confidentiality with which the information provided will be treated, and see to it that all other workers adhere to privacy guidelines. References Chowdury,   M. V. Chongsuvivatwong, A. F. Geater, H. H. Akhter, T. Winn (2002). â€Å"Taking a medical history and using a colour scale during clinical examination of pallor improves   Ã‚  Ã‚   detection of anaemia.† Tropical Medicine & International Health 7 (2), 133–139. Nordenberg, T. (2000). â€Å"Make no mistake: medical errors can be deadly serious.† FDA    Consumer Magazine. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved on March from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/500_err.html